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    Write a report on the measures taken in your district to look after the health of the people and suggest what further improvements could be made ( word limit : 150 words)



    Health Measures Taken in Nadia District . 

                                                                            By a staff repoter 

    Berhampore , Jan.2 : Health care means the maintenance or improvement of health of the people  through prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease. To materialise this objective of health care, the workers reach the doorstep of every family , especially in rural areas of this district with preventive drugs and message of health awareness .In order to free rural people of this district from the grasp of different problems related to healthcare , the Anganwadi and ASHA workers have been providing serious efforts. Sanitary latrines arsenic free tubewells, bio- gas plants , smokesless ovens have been provided. Various programmes have been going on to make people aware of the  communicable diseases like dengue , malaria, typhoid , jaundice , diarrhoea , etc . Moreover , fair price medical shops , fair price digital x-ray units , etc have been made available in district , sub - divisional and municipal  hospitals along with health centres in panchayet levels. But lots of doctors and beds in hospitals are required to provide more health services to people .


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